
Revenue Branch

Revenue Section

This section comprises of following subsections:




The Jamabandi subsection deals with auditing of the villages and talukas on the 31st of July, i.e. at the end of Revenue Year. It also looks after the collection of the Government Taxes. Rainfall information of the district is also maintained by this subsection. This subsection also keeps track of barren villages. It maintains records of record of land (“Sat-Bara”). The Revenue subsection deals with allotment of lands for Government Offices, Private Cultivation, Constructions, Voluntary Organizations, etc. In rural areas, permission from the Grampanchayat is required for land allotment. For cultivation E-class land is allotted with priorities to Ex-servicemen, and landless persons.

The applications should be in the name of the Collector, or the S.D.O. or Tahasildar.

Documents required are:

  1. Application
  2. N.O.C. from Grampanchayat/ Nagarpalika
  3. Map of the site
  4. Plan estimate
  5. Publicity report
  6. N.O.C. from Executive Engineer, M.S.E.B.
  7. N.O.C. from Executive Engineer, P.W.D.
  8. For Schools, Education Departments approval
  9. For Voluntary Organizations (Registered), N.O.C. from the concerned department
  10. For Govt. Offices, Applications from regional head are required.

The land can be allotted without cost for applicants with no income source.

Nazul Land means a government waste Land within municipal area. The Nazul subsection deals with the lands which are not reserved for any specific purposes are given on temporary or permanent lease either for residential or commercial purpose. Disposal of these lands and maintenance of records is dealt with in this section.

Acts and Rules

  1. The Mamalatdar’s Court Act, 1906.
  2. Hyderabad Atiyat Enquiries Act 1952.
  3. Bombay Divisional Commissioner’s Act, 1957.
  4. Maharashtra Education and Employment Guarantee (Cess) Act, 1962.
  5. Maharashtra Land Revenue Code, 1966.
  6. Maharashtra Increase in Land Revenue and Special Assessment Act, 1974.
  7. Maharashtra Irrigation Act, 1976.

Mining Section

Minerals play vital role in the development of any country as they are backbone of the industries. Rocks and minerals also form important source materials for construction purposes. Hence it is essential that these mineral treasure of the state are identified and assessed so that their precise industrial utility is decided.

Mining Lease:

Maximum period is 30 years. After receipt of all the NOCs the lease application is forwarded to the government through the Director, Geology and Mining Department. Trade, Commerce and Mining Ministry of Government of Maharashtra has power to grant the lease. After grant of lease, it is executed and working permission is granted by the Collector.


Application for lease should accomplished with application form along with

  • NOC (No Objection Certificate) from grampanchayat.
  • 7/12 record.
  • Talathi report and map of area showing applied survey no.
  • Record of rights related with that applied area.
  • Solvency Certificate for minimum Rs. 50,000/-
  • Challan copy of Rs. 100 application fee deposited in SBI (State Bank of India).

After receipt of this application office issue letters to following departments for NOC.

  • Town planning.
  • B & C / PWD (Public Works Department).
  • Pollution Board.
  • Report from Tahsildar through SDO on 15 points.
  • NOC from forest department.

After receipt of NOCs from all above departments lease is granted by the collector for a period of five years with one renewal under the rule 5(1) & (2) of minor mineral extraction rules. After grant of lease under rule 5 of MMMW, the lease deed is executed and working permission is granted. After this working permission, lease is allowed. This lease is granted for private and government works.

Acts and Rules

Control over extraction of Minor Minerals and collection of royalty for minor minerals.

  • Bombay Minor Minerals (Extraction) Rules, 1955.
  • Maharashtra Abolition of Subsisting Proprietary Rights to 16 Minor and Minerals in Certain Lands Act, 1985.

Local Self Government.

This department governs all the matters regarding Municipal Council and Grampanchayat Elections. Grants from government are distributed to various Nagarpalikas. Public contact is restricted at Grampanchayat level. However person in Nagarpalika area can come if his/her complaint is not properly handle in Nagarpalika regarding matter. People from Grampanchayat can contact regarding disputes on elections.

Instructions given by this department are binding to Nagarpalikas and Grampanchayats.

Acts and Rules

  • Bombay Village Panchayat Act, 1958.
  • Maharashtra ZP and Panchayat Samiti Act, 1961.
  • Maharashtra Municipalities Act, 1965.
  • Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act, 1960.
  • Maharashtra Agricultural Produce Marketing (Regulation) Act, 1963.
  • Maharashtra Local Authorities Members Disqualifications Act, 1986.

Entertainment Section

This section is concerned with the collection of Entertainment tax. Basically Entertainment tax is divided into 4 categories,

Tax on Talkies

Tax on Cable Operators

Tax on Video Parlors

Tax on other Entertainment sources

Talkies can be permanent and non-permanent i.e. touring talkies. So, licenses are issued accordingly.All the licenses are issued for a calendar year, and must be renewed by the 31st of December of respective year.Other sources of entertainment include Pools, Circuses. Circuses are exempted from Entertainment tax. Pools have to pay RS. 2000/- per month.

For new license for the Talkies the following documents are required,

  • Registration Fees
  • Certificate for Electric Fitting
  • Film Division certificate
  • Certificate issued by Medical Officer
  • Certificate from P.W.D. about present condition of construction.
  • Lighting Conductor certificate.
  • Fire Extinguishing set certificate.
  • Certificate for availability of telephone.

For Renewal of licenses the following documents are required

  • All above documents (i.e. those required for new licenses) and fees for renewal.
  • Certificate from Energy and Workers Section.
  • Entertainment Inspectors certificate indicating “no pending tax on talkies”.

Acts and Rules

  • Bombay Prevention of Gambling Act, 1887.
  • Bombay Entertainment Duty Act, 1923.
  • Bombay Betting Tax Act, 1925.
  • Bombay Cinema (Regulation) Act, 1953.
  • The Prize Competition Act, 1955.
  • Maharashtra Advertisement Tax Act, 1965.

Establishment Section

This Section deals with the transfers of class-III and class -IV employees. It also deals with the appointments and promotions of class -III and class -IV employees. The contact person in the department is Resident Deputy Collector. All the complaints regarding appointments, transfers and promotions should be submitted to Superintendent (Establishment) by the name of the Collector, Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar. This section also deals with Departmental Enquiry. This section also deals with the routine service matters such as grant of leave, grant of yearly increments, fixation of pay etc. The Section head, designated Resident Deputy Collector (R.D.C.), is Officer-in-charge.

Sanjay Gandhi Niradhar Yojana Section

There are various financial assistance schemes that are sponsored by Central as well as State Governments. The schemes sponsored by the Central Government are.

National Old age Pension Scheme

This scheme benefits beneficiaries of Sanjay Gandhi Niradhar Anudan Yojana, who are at least 65 years of age. Under this scheme beneficiaries get total amount of Rs. 250. Physically handicapped persons also get the same kind of financial assistance.


  • Age: 65 years min
  • Should be Helpless
  • No source of income
  • Should not be owner of Real Estate

Certificates required:

  • Age Certificates
  • Income certificate issued by Talathi
  • Certificate of Tahasildar or Talathi of being Helpless.

National Family Benefit Scheme

Under this scheme if the Head of the family expires accidentally or naturally the family gets financial assistance of up to Rs 10,000.

Certificates Required:

  • Age Certificate of the deceased.
  • Death Certificate .
  • Certificate issued by Talathi / Gramsevak / Tahasildar certifying deceased was Head of the family.
  • Income certificate issued by Talathi / Gramsevak / Tahasildar.

National Maternity Benefit Scheme

This scheme benefits pregnant women above 19 years. The financial assistance is limited to Rs. 500/- for her first two children.


  • Pregnant woman should be above 19 years.
  • Woman should be from B.P.L. family
  • Financial assistance is limited to first two live children.

Certificates requied:

  • Certificate of age.
  • Income Certificate issued by Talathi / Gramsevak
  • Certificate issued by Talathi/Gramsevak/Auxiliary nurse/Midwife or “Anganwadi” worker certifying this to be her first or second delivery.

The schemes Sponsored by the State Government are

Indira Gandhi Vruddha Bhumiheen Shetmajoor Anudan Yojana

This scheme is limited to rural areas. Under this scheme, the landless farm-labours are given Rs.250 per month for two months. Beneficiaries of the National old-age Pension scheme are eligible to apply for this scheme. The amount is distributed four times a year that is of three months at a time on 15th May,15th August, 15th November, and 15th February.


  • Age- For male applicants 65 years and for Female applicants 60 years.
  • Beneficiary should be resident of Rural area.
  • Should be landless.
  • Should be Helpless.
  • If beneficiary has son, he should NOT be able to look after the beneficiary.

Certificates Required:

  • Certificate of Age.
  • Certificate of Talathi showing the beneficiary is landless.
  • 3 Passport size photographs.

Sanjay Gandhi Swavlamban Yojana

This scheme benefits the unemployed. Long term loans of Rs.2500 are sanctioned which are to be returned in 8 installments within two years.


  • Resident of Maharashtra for 15 years.
  • Unemployed should have completed 18 years of age.

Certificates Required:

  • Certificate showing 15 years residence in Maharashtra.
  • Caste Certificate (if belongs to Backward Class).
  • Age Certificate.
  • 2 Passport size photographs.
  • Recommendation by local M.P./M.L.A., Z.P. officials, members, Nagar Palika officials or members confirming applicants residence

Sanjay Gandhi Niradhar Yojana

It is beneficial to people, which are helpless, old, mentally retarded, physically handicapped or unable to earn. This scheme also benefits widows having children.

To avail the benefits of this scheme, the person

  • should be resident of Maharashtra
  • should have no income source
  • should NOT be a Land owner
  • should not be beggar.

To get the benefit of this scheme, the application forms are available in Governments offices. The application should be accomplished by

  • Certificate of age issued by medical officer.
  • School certificate issued by Talathi.
  • Income certificate issued by Talathi.

Revenue branch also deals in following Acts

Poverty Alleviation.

  • Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act, 1976

Law and Order.

  • Markets and Fairs Act, 1862.
  • Press and Registration of Books Act, 1867.
  • Bombay Ferries Inland Vessels Act, 1868.
  • Cattle Trespass Act, 1931.
  • Criminal Procedure Code, 1973.
  • The Dramatic Performance Act, 1876.
  • Indian Explosive Act, 1884.
  • The Telegraph Act, 1885.
  • Indian Electricity Act, 1910.
  • Bombay Devdasis Protection Act, 1934.
  • Petroleum Act, 1934, Petroleum Rules, 1976.
  • Probation of Offenders Act, 1958.
  • Factories Act, 1948.
  • Bombay Prevention of Ex-communication Act, 1949.
  • Bombay Police Act, 1951.
  • Suppression of Immoral Traffic in Women and Girls Act, 1956.
  • Bombay Habitual Offenders Act, 1959.
  • Indian Arms Act, 1959.
  • Maharashtra Village Police Act, 1967.
  • Maintenance of Internal Security Act, 1971.
  • Maharashtra Prevention of Dangerous Activities of Slum Lords, Bootleggers and Drug Offenders Act, 1981.
  • Bombay Prison (Furlough and Parole) Rules, 1969.

Excise and Prohibition.

  • Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949.
  • Medicinal and Toilet Preparation (Excise Duties) Act, 1955.
  • Bombay Denatured Spirit Rules, 1959 1 Bombay Denatured Spirit 170 (Transport in Bond) Rules, 1969.

Court Fees, Stamps and registration.

  • Indian Registration Act, 1908.
  • Bombay Stamp Act, 1958.
  • Bombay Court Fees Act, 1959.

Ecology and Environment.

  • Indian Forests Act, 1927.
  • Bombay Wild Animals and Wild Birds Protection Act, 1951.
  • Maharashtra Felling of Trees (Regulation) Act, 1964.
  • Maharashtra Sale of Trees by Occupants Belonging to Scheduled Tribes Regulation Act, 1969.
  • Maharashtra National and State Patks Act, 1970.
  • Maharashtra Private Forest (Acquisition) Act, 1975.

Premises Eviction

  • Bombay Government Premises Eviction Act, 1955.
  • Public Premises Eviction of Unauthorised Occupants Act, 1971.

Relief Debt.

  • Bombay Non-Agriculturist Loans Act, 1928.
  • Bombay Agricultural Debtor’s Relief Act, 1947.
  • Maharashtra Debtor’s Relief Act, 1976.
  • Maharashtra Groundwater Act, 1993.

Land Improvements.

  • Bombay Land Improvements Schemes Act, 1942.
  • Bombay Khar Lands, 1949.

Trustee and Guradianship.

  • Indian Treasure Trove Act, 1878.
  • Bombay Court of Wards Act, 1905.
  • Indian Lunacy Act, 1912.
  • Maharashtra Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites Act, 1960.